Shame, huh. Gentle Tuesday look like they've been keeping pretty busy since then, you can find out all about them here.

The Peeps also look like they're doing damn fine for themselves, with a new cd on Sympathy for the Record Industry. Can't complain about sharing catalog numbers with Thee Headcoat(ee)s, Servotron, ex-Tullycraft buddies Rizzo, and El Vez, the Mexican Elvis. Also I hear that White Stripes band is pretty good, but I still like Guv'ner better.

The Teen Titans had already been broken up for 2 years or so when their 7" was supposed to come out, so it should come as no surprise that they're still broken up. Phillip's still doing his thing in The Kiss Offs, and Dean is doing the chop suey garage thing in The Wontons.

As for Six Cents and Natalie, the CD came out as Show Me The Honey on BlackBean and Placenta Tape Club, and it looks as though a new one is available as well. I'd probably know more, except I was the one that maintained the Six Cents webpage back then, and it went poof with the rest. Maybe that's forthcoming, if Sean's still interested.

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