-Doshin the GIANT 1- official website

'Doshin the Giant 1' FAQ
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What is in the box?

Boxes can sometimes be found hidden under the houses that humans havebuilt, or at other times fall from the sky. A tree, a human, a heart or a skull mark will be featured on the box. Be prepared for disappointment however, as they are sometimes empty! What will come out of the box marked with '?' is unknown. The side of this box shows a picture of something resembling a giant's face, but the game itself hints that the contents are something that do not constitute a giant! These boxes are something of a mystery.
What is in the box?

How can a commemorative album be made?

How can a commemorative album be made?
Commemorative pictures taken during the game can be viewed here. L button allows the user to take a maximum of 24 pictures that can be saved for viewing.

What is the Doshin encyclopaedia?

This is an archive of past generations of giants. The figures of brave giants can be seen here, with the characteristics of the different generations displayed on a radar chart. Up to 49 generations can be stored.
What is the Doshin encyclopaedia?

What is the meaning of the monument list?

What is the meaning of the monument list?
The monuments built by the humans can be viewed from variousangles. If the user stays on this screen, the monument will begin to talk about its origin. This screen will give important hints as to how to complete all of the monuments in the game..

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