-Doshin the GIANT 1- official website

'Doshin the Giant 1' FAQ
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What is a hate giant?
What is a love giant?
What is a hate giant?
A bright-red , scary-faced giant, who can cause destruction.
The player is able to alternate between the love and hate giants at the push of the button.
What is a love giant?
A yellow, friendly-faced giant who helps humans.

What about time?

Time passes even when the player is not playing the game, for example, an unknown disaster could occur, causing settlements to go into decline. In addition, the trees which form an important source of the island's energy have a limited life span. If trees begin to disappear, the humans will find it impossible to eke out a living, so the status of the island needs to be observed carefully.
What about time?

How can the various kinds of disasters be prevented?

How can the various kinds of disasters be prevented?
The following disasters could occur on the island and cause problems for the humans, and though a giant can save the humans, a tiny giant is of little use.

Mischievous Monsters :
Mischievous monsters will sometimes appear to steal the trees that are a necessary part of human life on the island. The monsters can be eliminated one by one, by treading on them.
Volcanic eruption :
A sudden upheaval in the ground causing no realdamage. Once the eruption subsides, the terrain should be reshaped.
Torrential rain :
Causes soil erosion. A headbutt from the giant is enough to disperse the rain clouds!
Tornado :
giant is enough to disperse the rain clouds!o Tornado - Blows away humans and buildings.
Should be directed away from the island by use of the giant's strength.
Fire :
A serious disaster.
Fire will burn up the trees, a valuable resource for the island and its human inhabitants, but can be stamped out by the giant.

What is in the box?

Boxes can sometimes be found hidden under the houses that humans havebuilt, or at other times fall from the sky. A tree, a human, a heart or a skull mark will be featured on the box. Be prepared for disappointment however, as they are sometimes empty! What will come out of the box marked with '?' is unknown. The side of this box shows a picture of something resembling a giant's face, but the game itself hints that the contents are something that do not constitute a giant! These boxes are something of a mystery.
What is in the box?

How can a commemorative album be made?

How can a commemorative album be made?
Commemorative pictures taken during the game can be viewed here. L button allows the user to take a maximum of 24 pictures that can be saved for viewing.

What is the Doshin encyclopaedia?

This is an archive of past generations of giants. The figures of brave giants can be seen here, with the characteristics of the different generations displayed on a radar chart. Up to 49 generations can be stored.
What is the Doshin encyclopaedia?

What is the meaning of the monument list?

What is the meaning of the monument list?
The monuments built by the humans can be viewed from variousangles. If the user stays on this screen, the monument will begin to talk about its origin. This screen will give important hints as to how to complete all of the monuments in the game..

What is the meaning of the music and who is playing it?

Music can be heard at the opening and ending of the game, and also comes from the settlements. Music can sometimes be heard when there is no visible settlement. This indicates that there are 'the roots of a settlement' in that particular location. Humans can be led to this location and they should settle, and begin to work there.The in-game music for Doshin was composed by Tatsuhiko Asano, who records for GEIST, headed by Alec Empire. Alec is also the driving force behind Atari Teenage Riot, the main act on the Digital Hardcore label. A new album is scheduled for release next year, and Asano is a talented musician who is regarded highly both at home and abroad. The soundtrack for 'Doshin' has been re-recorded by Asano, and will be released by Media Factory in Japan.

Whose voices are featured?

Veteran actor Mr. Gozo Soma displays his magnificent voice in the role of Sodol the narrator. The shrieks of delight in response to the player's actions are curtesy of actress Ms. Tamaki Ogawa. Something akin to an angel that exists between reality and the game world, Ogawa has pulled this difficult role off brilliantly.
Whose voices are featured?

What exists beyond the edge of the world?

What exists beyond the edge of the world?
The edge of the world is marked by the boundary of the square game map, with a world of nothing beyond. This void will swallow up anything that slips over, even a giant! The user should be fully aware of this if tempted to peek over the edge.

How do you change the camera position?

The C button unit alters the direction from which the user views the screen. In rough terrain, where it is difficult to ascertain 'Doshin's' position in relation to the ground, the unit can be moved left and right to seek out the best camera position. The camera can be moved closer or further away from 'Doshin' by pushing the unit up or down. The user should choose the easiest position for play. A camera situated in the protrubence in 'Doshin's' belly, gives a special belly-view angle, but 'Doshin' is limited to movement only whilst this is in use.
How do you change the camera position?

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